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- Abyssinia
- Adepta Sororitas
- Adeptus Custodes
- Adeptus Mechanicus
- Adeptus Titanicus
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- Age of Sigmar
- Age of Sigmar Essentials
- AK Interactive
- Aleph
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- Ariadna
- Aristeia!
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- Army Painter
- Army Painter Effects Warpaint
- Army Painter Spray
- Army Painter Warpaints
- Astra Militarum
- Basilean
- Basing
- Batman Essentials
- Batman Miniature Game
- Battlefields Basing
- Battletech
- Beastclaw Raiders
- Beasts of Chaos
- Black Friday
- Black Library
- Black Templars
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- Blood Bowl
- Blue Bases
- Board Games
- Board Matz
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- Broken Realms
- brushes
- Bushido
- Card Games
- Chaos Daemons
- Chaos Knights
- Chaos Space Marines
- Citadel -Airbrush
- Citadel Brushes
- Citadel Hobby
- Citadel Paint Base
- Citadel Paint Dry
- Citadel Paint Layer
- Citadel Paint Shade
- Citadel Paint Technical
- Citadel Paint Texture
- Citadel Painting and Modeling
- Citadel Scenery
- Citadel Spray Paint
- Cities of Sigmar
- Clear Bases
- CodeOne
- Color Sets
- colour forge
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- Conquest Essentials
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- Craftworlds
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- Cult of the Burning Man
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- Deathwatch
- Disciples of Tzeentch
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- Dungeon Adventures
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Dwarfen Mountain Holds
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- Grand Alliance Chaos
- Grand Alliance Death
- Grand Alliance Destruction
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- Green Bases
- Gremlins
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- Guardians of the Galaxy
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- Haqqislam
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- Kings of War Vanguard
- Knight Models
- Knight Models Pre Orders
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- Legions Imperialis
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- Leodis Loot
- Leodis Merch
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- Lumineth Realm-Lords
- Maggotkin of Nurgle
- Magic The Gathering
- Malifaux
- Malifaux Bases & Accessories
- mantic
- Mantic Games
- Marvel Champions: The Card Game
- Marvel Crisis Protocol
- Marvel Universe Miniature Game
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- Metal Color
- Metallic Warpaints
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- Model Air Primers
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- necrt
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- o-12
- Ogor Mawtribes
- Ogres
- Orange Bases
- Orc & Goblin Tribes
- Orcs
- Orks
- Orruk Warclans
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- Plastic Bases
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- Riftforged
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- Vallejo
- Vanguard Basileans
- Vanguard Dwarf
- Vanguard Essentials
- Vanguard Forces of Nature
- Vanguard Forces of the Abyss
- Vanguard Goblins
- Vanguard Mercenary
- Vanguard Nightstalker
- Vanguard Northern Alliance
- Vanguard Trident Realm
- Vanguard Undead
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- Age of Sigmar Essentials
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- Army Painter Effects Warpaint
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- Army Painter Warpaints
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- Batman Miniature Game
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- brushes
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- Chaos Daemons
- Chaos Knights
- Chaos Space Marines
- Citadel -Airbrush
- Citadel Brushes
- Citadel Hobby
- Citadel Paint Base
- Citadel Paint Dry
- Citadel Paint Layer
- Citadel Paint Shade
- Citadel Paint Technical
- Citadel Paint Texture
- Citadel Painting and Modeling
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51 products

Abyssal Dwarf Warband Booster
Regular price £29.99 Sale price £26.99 Save £3.00The true power of the Abyssal Dwarfs stems from the Iron-Casters. These cruel sorcerers are adept at using the fell powers of the Abyss to bend flash and metal to their will, creating powerful constructs to horrific mutants. These debased beings are forced into battle on their masters’ behalf.
- 1 resin Charnox
- 1 resin Hexcaster
- 1 resin Immortal Guardian. Bases and vanguard cards.
Please Note:
- One Abyssal Dwarf Warband Booster supplied.
- Supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
- Printed materials are supplied in English
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Abyssal Dwarf Warband Set
Regular price £29.99 Sale price £26.99 Save £3.00Twisted, evil parodies of their mountain-dwelling brethren, the Abyssal Dwarfs make use of slaves to bolster their numbers and dark technologies to rain fire and destruction on their foes.
- 10 plastic Blacksouls/decimators.
- 1 resin Overmaster,
- 1 Mobile Katsuchan.
- Bases and Vanguard cards
Please Note:
- One Abyssal Dwarf Warband Set supplied
- Supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
- Printed materials are supplied in English
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Reinforcement Pack
Regular price £12.49 Sale price £10.99 Save £1.50Induction into a dwarf hold's military is a long and difficult process, for their masters are nothing if not strict and stubborn. Civilian aspirants must each serve years as a Levy - under the stern watch of Ironclad warriors - fighting in small skirmishes until they are deemed ready for true war.
- 1x Metal Levy
- Choice of Hammer or Spear
- 2x Metal Ironclad
- 3x 20mm Square Bases
- 2x Ironclad Stat Cards
- 1x Levy Stat Card
- 1x Battle Driller Stat Card
- 2x Brock Rider Stat Cards
Mantic Points
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Support Pack: Flame Priest
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Dedicated to the Fulgria, the Goddess of White Fire, the mysterious Flame Priests are able to harness and channel fire into weaponry. They use their knowledge to destroy as the dwarf Warsmiths use the same powers to create masterworks of metal and engineering.
This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:
1 Resin Flame Priest
1 20mm Square Base
1 Flame Priest Stat Card
Mantic Points
Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires superglue. Requires Kings of War Vanguard: Rulebook to play.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Support Pack: Ironwatch
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Veteran marksmen, the Ironwatch spend years mastering their weapons. Having fought in wars for many decades, their experience and skill are invaluable tools to any warband, although the black powder rifles they sometimes bear are appreciated, too.
- 1x Resin Ironwatch
- 1x 20mm Square Base
- 1x Ironwatch Stat Card
- Mantic Points
Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Support Pack: Mastiff Packmaster
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Vanguard is fantasy skirmish game set in the world of Mantica. It is a magical place, full of wonder, but also one of conflict and war, as almighty armies clash and empires crumble. Gods and demons roam the world and the skies light up with the crackle of magic. The mortal races strive for dominance across the vastness of the world; from the depths of the oceans, across to the deserts and plains, to the soaring mountain ranges and ice-covered peaks - there is adventure, glory and peril to be had in equal measure.
Vanguard gives you the chance to explore the world through the eyes of an elite Warband. As neighbours and kingdoms wage war, it's often the deeds of a hand-picked few - specialists in their trade - that ultimately win wars for their masters. Whether they are tasked with plundering an enemy camp, burning their stores, stealing information or assassination of an enemy commander, the scouting parties of the vanguard are always in the thick of the action, operating alone and in the greatest of danger.
- 1x Mastiff Packmaster
- 1x Base
- 1x Vanguard Card
Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Support Pack: Shieldbreaker
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Shieldbreakers are aggressive fighters, with little to no thought of self-defence. Often encountered on the front lines of an army, these belligerent warriors can also be found joining an advance party; to clash with the enemy all the faster.
- 1x Resin Shieldbreaker
- 1x 20mm Square Base
- 1x Shieldbreaker Stat Card
- Mantic Points
Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Support Pack: Steel Juggernaut
Regular price £12.49 Sale price £10.99 Save £1.50Knorri Ironheart's personal battle armour, his Juggernaut, has divided opinion amongst the clan lords. Some have placed orders for their own personalised versions, or have their own engineers scrambling to copy the design. Others see it as an affront to warfare and the armour of a coward.
- 1x Resin Steel Juggernaut
- 1x 40mm Square Base
- 1x Steel Juggernaut Stat Card
- Mantic Points
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Dwarf Warband Set
Regular price £29.99 Sale price £26.99 Save £3.00Short in stature but as unyielding as the mountains themselves, the Dwarfs are a proud and noble people who attach a great deal of importance to heritage and custom. It is a naive opponent indeed who does not acknowledge the Dwarf talents for war - when the Dwarfs go to war, they do so to win.
- 1x Resin Sergeant
- 1x Resin Ranger
- 1x Resin Ironguard
- 5x Hard Plastic Ironclad
- Optional Two-Handed Hammer
- 2x Hard Plastic Ironwatch
- Optional Rifles or Crossbows
- 10x 20mm Square Bases
- Mantic Points
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Firebrand Mercenary Booster
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Firebrand is a legendary corsair, renowned for breath-taking feats of bravery, swashbuckling action, and daring escapades. Her fantastically exciting life and phenomenal skills are what all other salamander corsairs aspire to.
- 1x Resin Firebrand
- 1x 25mm Square Base
- 1x Firebrand Stat Card
- Mantic Points
Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Forces of Nature Support Pack: Centaur Chief
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Mightiest of the Herd, it is the Chief who will decide whether the Centaurs will fight or not. Prickly and notoriously easy to offend, it is a skilled Druid indeed who will secure the aid of one of these mighty champions.
This set contains 1 multi-part metal model including:
- Cavalry Base
- Mantic Point
Please Note:
- One Forces of Nature Support Pack: Centaur Chief supplied.
- Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Forces of Nature Support Pack: Fire Elemental
Regular price £12.49 Sale price £10.99 Save £1.50The rage of nature personified, Fire Elementals are difficult to control and dangerous to both friend and foe.
- 1 Resin Fire Elemental
- 1 40mm Base
- 1 Vanguard Card
Please Note:
- One Forces of Nature Support Pack: Fire Elemental supplied.
- Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Forces of Nature Support Pack: Forest Shambler
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00The ancient guardians of the forest, these ponderous beings can be roused to war by powerful Druids or Tree Herders. Once in combat, their thick, barklike armour makes them difficult to fell - even under the fiercest of blows.
Add some treemendous support to your Forces of Nature warband.
- 1 of 3 Metal Forest Shamblers
- 1 40mm Base
- 1 Vanguard Card.
Please Note:
- Models are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
- 1 random Forest Shambler miniature supplied out of 3 possible options. Contents may vary to image shown.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Forces of Nature Support Pack: Gladewalker Druid
Regular price £7.99 Sale price £6.99 Save £1.00Guardians of the forests, the mystical Gladewalkers are seldom seen by any save the Sylvian Elves. Their natural affinity to the forest makes them ideal druids, with few ties to the mortal world.
This set contains an inspiring hero for Kings of War, including:
- 1 Metal Gladewalker Druid
- 20mm Plastic Square Base
Please Note:
- One Forces of Nature Support Pack: Gladewalker Druid supplied.
- Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Forces of Nature Warband Set
Regular price £29.99 Sale price £26.99 Save £3.00When the balance of the world is truly threatened, the druids call upon all manner or creatures to protect it. Salamanders to the lumbering Forest Shamblers, all answer the call. The ground shakes and the forests heave as the Forces of Nature march to war.
- 5 Hard Plastic Salamanders with weapon options
- 5 Hard Plastic Naiads with weapon options
- 2 Metal Wild Companions, 1 Metal Druid, Bases, and Vanguard Card Deck.
Please Note:
- One Forces of Nature Warband Set supplied.
- Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Goblin Reinforcement Pack
Regular price £12.49 Sale price £10.99 Save £1.50If you need some extra Grunts for your warband, the Reinforcement Pack is a great way to bolster your force.
Individually goblins are too small and cowardly to pose a serious threat. However, when working as part of a group, a ravenous insanity takes over, which allows these diminutive beings to take down foes many times their own size.
- 1x Metal Spitter
- 2x Metal Rabble
- 4x Vanguard Cards
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Goblin Support Pack: Banggit
Regular price £9.99 Sale price £8.99 Save £1.00Boom! Shake, shake, shake the... battlefield. The Banggit is here to bring some spectacular (and incredibly dangerous) explosions.
Despite how short-lived a Banggit’s career can be, Goblin society never seems to have a shortage of explosive-obsessed volunteers.
- 1x Resin Banggit
- 1x Banggit Vanguard Card
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Goblin Support Pack: Luggits
Regular price £14.99 Sale price £13.49 Save £1.50When the goblins need some muscle - and can't find a troll - they rely on the clumsy, but effective Luggits.
To a Luggit, size matters. Larger and tougher than the average goblin, these brash warriors wield oversized weapons to devastating (and sometimes clumsy) effect.
- 1x Resin Banggit
- 1x Banggit Vanguard Card
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.

Goblin Support Pack: Mawpup Launcher
Regular price £12.49 Sale price £10.99 Save £1.50The Mawpup Launcher is a crude but effective way of causing havoc among the enemy warband.
Each of these crude machines is loaded with the runts from a litter of Mawbeasts before they're launched skywards at terrifying speeds. Some even survive the 'flight too. Seeing an angry pup hurtling towards them is often the enemy's first sign of a Mawpup Launcher's deployment.
- 1x Resin Mawpup Launcher
- 1x Vanguard Card
Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
We offer a click & collect/ collect in store option from our Leeds store.
To use it simply select the pick up option on the checkout.
If you forget to do this and are given postage options click the return to information button to go back and select pick up.
Once we have received your order we will pick it and email you to tell you it's ready for collection.
The email will also contain up to date COVID information and opening times.